Episode Title:
I Hate Studying!
Episode Description:
Néma's ability to spend time with her new friends is curtailed as she has to begin studying under her new tutor, Annalee Dessa. Dessa proves to be a stern taskmaster, and her harsh approach at first drains Néma until her brother and mother advise her to challenge Miss Dessa into acknowledging her as a proper lady. In time, Néma discovers that the Church of Divine Creation, of which Dessa is a member, maintains an elitist attitude against non-humans. When she is five years old, Néma is taken by her father to the northern provinces of the kingdom, which are under her family's supervision, to organize a defense against repeated incursions by monsters from the Needle Frost Forest. After Néma consults Sol through his gem, she learns that the monsters - mostly goblins - are not native to this region, indicating that something must have driven them here.