Episode Title:
Rage of the Hulk.
Episode Description:
Fugitive scientist Bruce Banner seeks out the Starks for help. But when the army soldiers led by General Thunderbolt Ross co-opts S.H.I.E.L.D. to make an attack, Iron Man must fight and subdue the Hulk in order to save him! Note #1: Bruce Banner shows up on screen for the first time. This episode also features Glenn Talbot as a S.H.I.E.L.D agent, and Rick Jones makes a cameo appearance. Note #2: Hulk changes into the more intelligent Grey Hulk at the end of the episode. Note #3: Howard Stark paraphrases the line, "With great power comes great responsibility", a line popularly associated with Spider-Man. Also, Tony uses the Spider-man phrase "friendly neighborhood [armored hero]" in the presence of his father.