Episode Title:
Rise of the Zitboy.
Episode Description:
Zim reacts to being covered in grease by getting a zit. GIR enjoys the Zit very much and draws a little face on it, which Zim fears will make him stick out even more. After the Zit grows he discovers that its motion has hypnotic powers so for a little test he uses it on GIR which hypnotizes him. Zim takes a little body from his GEARS/CIRCUTS/HEADLESS BODIES box and attaches it to the zit, which he names Pustulio and passes off as a friend. Zim uses this hypnotic (albeit disgusting) zit to gain control of the school children, and then forces Dib into revealing a weakness in Zim's base defenses. At that point the pimple grows even further to monstrous proportions and explodes; Zim then leaves to reinforce his base's defenses to remove the weakness, while Dib is forced to clean up the mess.