Episode Title:
Demons and Underwear and Crabs / The State of Hell, and This and That.
Episode Description:
Demons and Underwear and Crabs: Nasubi and Karauri talk about the importance of underwear while cleaning the bank of the Sanzu River. Hozuki goes to supervise them, and while Hozuki and Karauri are distracted discussing several belongings spread along the river, Nasubi sees a giant crab attacking people.
The State of Hell, and This and That: Satan, the European King of Hell, visits the Japanese Hell while secretly plans to spy and later dominate it. While on a tour through the Hell accompanied by Hozuki, Satan gets scared by Hozuki for the way he treats Enma. Satan also gets astonished to have to eat goldfish plants; he ends up liking the culture shock. However, Satan runs away from the Japanese Hell when, while spying Hozuki's room, sees that Hozuki needs a "Satan" to create a panacea. When Satan leaves, Hozuki notices he wrote "Santa" wrong.