Episode Title:
Hinamizawa (Chapter: Time Wasting, Part 1).
Episode Description:
Four years during the dam incident, Mamoru Akasaka investigates the kidnapping of Toshiki Inukai, the grandson of the dam's construction project manager. Oishi tells Akasaka about the Dam Project Opposition Committee and three leading families. As the village tourist, he meets Rika. She warns him to return to Tokyo, but collapses and commences to act normally afterward. A colleague of Oishi gives intel to Akasaka about the Dam Project Opposition Committee, headed by Oryō. They learn about the missing child and know that a novice police investigator was dispatched to the village. She has given orders to take care of him, if he begins to meddle too much into their affairs. The next day, Oishi informs Akasaka that they have found the wallet and other identification items of the missing child in a deserted village called Takatsudo and has agreed to accompany Akasaka.