Episode Title:
Arnold's Hat / Stoop Kid.
Episode Description:
Arnold's Hat: Helga steals Arnold's hat to complete her secret shrine — a statue in the shape of his (Arnold's) head made from Arnold-chewed bubble gum. Arnold feels like he is nothing without his hat, so Helga is planning to return it to him — until her mother throws it in the trash, which is on its way to the dump.
Stoop Kid: While playing football on the street, Arnold kicks the ball and it ends up on Stoop Kid's stoop. According to Gerald, Stoop Kid is a teenage boy who has been living on that particular stoop ever since he was born. Arnold tries to wait for him to leave so he can get his football back, but learns that he never leaves his stoop. Faced with this fact, he tries to convince Stoop Kid to overcome his habit by taking a step off the stoop.