Episode Title:
Hercules and the Falling Stars.
Episode Description:
Hercules, needing help with archery, calls on the greatest hunter who ever lived, Orion, releasing him from his constellation. Orion is not accustomed to the more calm way people live, earning Hercules' respect but Phil's and everyone else's anger, as he gives constant disregard to his environment. Hercules' tearing the sky left a hole for the Scorpio, Taurus, Leo and Aries constellations to escape. Artemis, discovering a giant crater, realizes who is responsible, and sets out to find Orion, who is defeating the monsters with Hercules, destroying Corinth, Sparta, Abacus Valley and Athens in the process. Artemis finally catches up to the duo, revealing that Orion is her ex-boyfriend, and forces them to rebuild the cities. Orion returns to his place in the sky, suggesting that Hercules may one day have a constellation of his own.