Episode Title:
With Younger Brother in Tow
Episode Description:
Helck begins recounting his past to Vermilio, in a flashback Helck is shown with his younger brother Cless, protecting him from abusive noble children. He explains that they lost their parents to monsters and had moved to the city to find work, except there were no jobs for two children that paid a living wage. Due to Helck's hero powers, he was fine with abuse from nobility, he recovered from all injuries shortly after they were inflicted, his goal was to make sure Cless at least had a tolerable childhood. One day Cless gets very ill and nobody is willing to help, Helck falls into despair and is about to lose it, except a young blonde noble girl listens to Helck and takes Cless to her dad who brings in a renowned doctor to treat him. Cless recovers and 15 years later he works as a captain in the military, Helck works as a construction worker.