Episode Title:
Stand by him. Stand by her
Episode Description:
Theta and the soldiers are shocked that Adonis does not show up and they don't know where he is. Adonis and Doroka are in the wastelands as Adonis changed the location of the transfer, Adonis begins planning with the destruction of the Redia Empire and procure information and supplies on their way there. Doroka wants to go back and scold Adonis for his behaviour, Adonis shows what Doroka tried to do and see why the witches don't like Doroka as she wanted to reconcile with humans so easily. Adonis says Chloe's life is more precious to him than all of humanity and the world who took her from him deserve to be destroyed, Doroka says to Adonis she won't tell him to forgive them for what they've done, but if he continue with his revenge it will shatter his heart and he'll end up like the humans who took Chloe from him...