Episode Title:
Encounters, and Then…
Episode Description:
Three Earth years before meeting the BUILD DiVERS, Freddie used to explore the nearby ruins when one day, he managed to establish connections to GBN, and since then he regularly returned there to watch the exploits of the original Build Divers, and made a vow someday to summon them to help save his people and his planet. Two years went by, until one day, he and Stola stumbled across a scout unit of the One-Eyes and the villagers concluded that an attack from them was imminent. When the One-Eyes finally set their eyes on the village, Freddie ran to the ruins where he managed to access contact in GBN, unknowingly he was not able to pick who he wanted to contact. At that point Hiroto and the others and enlist their help and thought they were part of the Build Divers Force but a different unit. Back to the present, after the destruction of Seguri City, access to the ruins was blocked and he could not contact the BUILD DiVERS anymore. Thanks to a mysterious pep-talk from Jed's ghost and knowing that the One-Eyes army will eventually return, and with the Resistance destroyed, Asha is scared and crying. Freddie inspired that most everything else can still be saved, he goes back and digs his way into the ruins and falls asleep after all that hard work. After having a dream of being tossed into a massive GBN space battle and Hiroto, in his newly upgraded gunpla, protecting him from the Seltsam, Freddie awakens with reestablished connections to GBN and contacts Hiroto and his friends, asking for their help once more. Meanwhile, a massive creature awakens in another temple.