Episode Title:
Pyuru-riku Magical Steak / Baum-kuhen to Worry Over.
Episode Description:
Pyuru-riku Magical Steak: A piece of lost technology arrives under heavy guard to the Angel Brigade's headquarters, they having been charged with protecting it. The lost technology is revealed to be a magical girl wand which will allow the user to use real magic so long as they believe with their whole heart that they can actually use magic while reciting the magic spell. The spell proves too embarrassing for any Angel to try to use it. However, curiosity and the quest for magic help them unite and overcome their embarrassment to reveal their true potential. The wand activates and prints a photo of them reciting the spell. The same soldiers come to take the embarrassing photo and the wand away for investigation, resulting in a war waged by the Angels.
Baum-kuhen to Worry Over: Mint and Ranpha are stuck for the night on a planet. To pass the time, Mint eats some snacks Ranpha found earlier. In the morning she finds that the nuts she ate have turned her into a tree kami. Even though the locals now worship her as a deity, being a kami has drawbacks. Mint is unable to move, thus being unable to return home. Ranpha leaves Mint behind and returns home alone. As Mint thinks and sleeps, time passes by very quickly, resulting in many years passing by. The other Angels have made many attempts to wake up Mint, but have failed. As time moves on, Mint starts to see the world change through centuries. Finally, the other Angels, now in heaven, free Mint from Earth, turning her back into a seed.