Episode Title:
Franklin and the Turtle Lake Treasure.
Episode Description:
The movie opens with black and white and a young female turtle with glasses. The scene then catches on fire and flashes out on Granny Turtle, who wakes from a bad dream, and sighs sadly. The scene then pulls us to Franklin, Beaver and Snail playing pirates, and they were about to go to a tree with an X. Just as they were about head towards there, Bear appears playing the villainous captain and Franklin defeats him. After that, the four went home. Franklin and Snail walk by Franklin's Aunt Lucy's place and notice the door was open. They went inside to see if Aunt Lucy was home, but instead someone in a mask scares them off and they run away. As they run off, the someone in behind the mask reveals to be a female turtle with a pink bonnet on the head. two run, where Franklin's parents and sister Harriet get a message of Lucy, with no post or stamp. When Franklin revels what happened, Jonathan soon gets the answers and they walk around the house, where Lucy appears to be. Lucy was at Granny Turtle's (hers and Jonathan's mother) and promised to invite the turtles over...
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