Episode Title:
Old World Harm
Episode Description:
Lois saves up enough money for a couple's vacation. After Peter blows it on a failed makeshift jetpack, Joe decides to let Peter and Lois rent his mother's condo in Florida. Upon arrival, they discover that it's located in a retirement community. They quickly grow to love it due to how kindly they're treated by the older folks due to them being the youngest and healthiest people there. This turns out to be a ruse by the elders as the lead elder (Henry Winkler) leads them and the masseuse into harvesting Peter and Lois' organs, out of envy towards their more functional bodies. After Lois discovers this, she and Peter try to flee and only manage to escape due to the confrontation cutting into the seniors' dinnertime, causing them to retreat. Lois nonetheless declares this the best vacation she's ever been on due to the thrill of it all. Unbeknownst to them, the whole scheme was a ploy by Joe to harvest Peter's or Lois' legs. Upon hearing from one of the elderlies of what happened and that he won't be getting new legs, Joe tells them that he'll trick Cleveland into visiting the same community. Meanwhile, Stewie is inspired to stop taking baths and switch to showers after being reminded of Whitney Houston's death. He enlists Brian's help to face his fear despite the latter's own traumatic shower experience from his puppyhood. After stalling for a bit, the two are overwhelmed by the shower's water pressure, but when the tub starts to fill, Stewie uses his knowledge of baths to remove Meg's hair from the drain and save them both. Regardless, both of them agree to never take a shower again. In the final scene, Cleveland comes back without legs as Joe with Cleveland's legs asks him how his vacation was while watering his plants.