Episode Title:
Tusks, Trouble and All / Absoflutely Fabulous
Episode Description:
"Tusk, Trouble and All": While riding on the Rock and Rollers with Barry and Pepper, Eureka finds a trapped woolly mammoth beneath a fallen tree branch. Finding things in common with the woolly mammoth, Eureka names it Murphy and persuades her parents to adopt it much to the doubts of Rocky Falls' civilians. Though she works to find a way to get Murphy to fit in the entrance of their house.
"Absoflutely Fabulous": A new girl named Julia is starting school and is shown to be an expert at playing the flute. Eureka plans to give her a good gift during the welcoming ceremony in order to befriend her. She gives her a new type of flute that she can use. When Julie doesn't give a positive reaction, Eureka works to build a better gift to impress her.