Episode Title:
A Battle!! The Kamehameha vs. the Dodonpa.
Episode Description:
Goku fights Tao, taking a severe beating from Tao. A Kamehameha Wave has no effect on Tao, but it sears his outfit. Angered, Tao fires a lethal beam (Dodon Ray) on Goku. Tao takes the dragon balls and taunts Upa before making his leave. Tao heads to a town to get a new outfit, while Red tells him that he is one dragon ball short. Upa has buried his father and is about to bury Goku when an RR pilot lands. As the pilot tries to take the dragon ball Goku kept, Goku beats him and blasts his jet. Apparently Goku's grandfather's dragon ball blocked the Dodon Wave. Goku begins to climb the Korin Tower, while Tao waits for his outfit to be tailored to Red's frustration.