Episode Title:
Science Wars
Episode Description:
Senku is revealed to have disguised a Rochelle Salt sound transmitting crystal and a copper wire antenna as an earring, allowing him to send instructions from his wireless telephone into Kohaku’s ear, though she can’t send replies. As only Kirisame has been seen using the weapon Senku plans to steal it when Kirisame throws it into the air to activate it. For that, he intends to recreate the radio controlled drone by combining a bamboo frame with four plastic propellers and electromagnetically powered motors controlled by radio signals. Inside the citadel of interconnected tree houses Kohaku sneaks around and finds something important. They are informed by an elder wife they must train for a week before meeting the Master. Senku manages to send a basic radio controlled car to Kohaku so she can send back a written message. As none of them have learned to write yet Kohaku sends Senku a confusing drawing. Using all his mentalist tricks Gen puts himself in Kohaku’s mind; illiterate but smart with basic science knowledge and limited time to actually make the drawing. Eventually Senku deduces a sentence; “We found platinum”, confirming the Soyuz capsule is inside the citadel.