Episode Title:
Doug Bags a Neematoad.
Episode Description:
The Funnies have moved from Bloatsburg and are just arriving at their new home in the town of Bluffington. 11-year-old Doug Funnie writes his thoughts in his journal and worries he will not be able to make any friends. On a search to find food for his Mom (Theda), Dad (Phil), sister (Judy), and himself, Doug meets his next door neighbor Mr. Dink. He shows Doug a video about Bluffington and introduces him to the popular hangout fast food restaurant called The Honker Burger. When Doug gets to the hangout, he meets Skeeter Valentine who befriends him right away. Doug also meets Patti Mayonnaise and, right away, has a secret crush on her. However, all is not well when he also meets the local bully Roger Klotz who tricks Doug into believing he has to catch a monster called a Neematoad at Stinsen's Pond to be a town hero.