Episode Title:
Gorgon's Spell / Snow Melt.
Episode Description:
Gorgon's Spell: Standing in the hall at school all day as punishment is hard on Noby's feet, so Doraemon gives him a gadget featuring a Gorgon head in a box to turn his feet to stone so he can stand painlessly. However, the Gorgon head escapes and starts turning people to stone - including Doraemon - and it's up to Noby to capture it by himself.
Snow Melt: To keep himself and Noby warm on a chilly day, Doraemon applies a special cream which makes the user feel cold objects as hot and vice versa, making ice water and snow boiling hot to the touch. This leads to trouble when Doraemon and Noby (clad only in his underwear) get caught outside in a snowstorm, seek shelter in a truck, and end up in the snow-covered mountains.