Episode Title:
Lederhosen of Doom / Floral Derangement.
Episode Description:
Lederhosen of Doom: Fang gets some pants sent by her parents and doesn't bother to read the note that came with them. This is problematic, because the note explains that the pants are the evil trouser beast and will take control of anyone who wears them. Fang loves the pants at first because they give her fantastic strength — at last she's as strong as Dave! But soon the pants take her over, using her as a tool to get revenge on their hated foe... Oswidge.
Floral Derangement: When Fang messes with Dave's life, Dave threatens to send her to Ms. Bluelung's School for Really Cute Little Girls, an educationally evil punishment which Princess Candy suggested. In order to avoid being sent to Ms. Bluelung's, Fang must promise to stop messing with Dave's life, but she breaks her promise. She swipes some of Oswidge's magic and makes some of Dave's flowers—his prized Purple Winkies—grow huge. Surprisingly, gigantic ravenous flowers cause a few minor problems, which Fang struggles to conceal from Dave.