Episode Title:
The Doll Sings in the Winter Wind.
Episode Description:
Repnin complains about the mystery behind Dr. Pavlichenko's corpse, when he is shown a picture of Dr. Pavlichenko alive and well in Tokyo. Meanwhile, Misaki meets Genma at the abandoned National Observatory and learns that communications between her and the rest of the world are being tapped by the MIAC. Hei and the others escape from Sapporo under a heavy police lockdown by seeking assistance from the underworld. However, Hei is later duped when their contact gets away with kidnapping July. A Russian agent named Ilya Sokolov encounters Suō and uses his Contractor powers to help him detain her, Mao, and July; after killing their contact. Hei later comes to their rescue and kills Ilya, despite nearly being overpowered by Ilya's powers. The four later were able to arrive at the Sendai station, boarding it while Repnin of the FSB watches them from his cabin.