Episode Title:
Jorge And The Dog Run - Clifford's Clubhouse.
Episode Description:
Jorge And The Dog Run
Clifford is excited to go to his first outing at the local dog run, but becomes worried that he won't fit in after a conversation with Norville. At the dog run, he can't get anyone to notice him at first, but soon finds a friend named Jorge. Jorge lets him join in a game called Dog Ball and sticks up for him when he messes up because he didn't really know how to play. Later, Clifford shares a snack with Jorge and upon returning home finds out that Jorge is actually a nearby neighbor.
Clifford's Club House
Clifford and the gang get the idea to start a club from Emily Elizabeth and her friend Nina and their first task is to find their perfect clubhouse. Norville has some great ideas, but it turns out that all of his suggested locations have problems which keep them being proper clubhouses. When a new location is suggested, Norville seems unhappy and quits the club and everyone thinks that he is just upset because the location isn't his choice. Everyone, however, soon realizes that isn't the real problem and after choosing an alternative location, everyone learns an important lesson about listening and Norville learns one about speaking up for himself.