Episode Title:
The Seventh Conflict: Breaking Point.
Episode Description:
Futo is in a new commercial, leading the family to begin plans for an oversees trip during summer vacation in order for Ema and Yusuke to take a break from exams. In class, they decide to do a butler cafe for the cultural festival. Ema goes home after a long day of preparing and falls asleep on the couch. She wakes up to find Yusuke's face right in front of her and freaks out. He says that he had only thought that she would be cold, only staring for a minute or two, but Futo interrupts and begins teasing Yusuke. Eventually, Tsubaki stops them from fighting. The next day, Azusa comes into the kitchen where Ema is and falls after feeling dizzy. Hikaru comes in and realizes that Azusa has a fever from working too hard, ordering Azusa to take a break. Ema ends up being late to the classroom, where she learns that their class had changed into a ButlerXMaid cafe instead. Next door, Futo is dressed like a vampire and kisses Ema on the neck, leaving a "vampire" like mark. She goes home only to have Tsubaki ask about the mark, telling her that he had already told her his feelings. Tsubaki begins arguing with Ema, but Azusa comes into the living room, telling Tsubaki that he was becoming to pushy when it came to Ema's feelings. Tsubaki gets mad and Azusa tries to convince him, but he passes out in the middle of the argument. Tsubaki reaches out to catch him, but misses. At the end of the credits, Tsubaki and Ema are seen looking at the unconscious Azusa, both in shock.