Episode Title:
His Butler, Fulfilling His Duty.
Episode Description:
As Joker dies from blood loss, he reminisces about how he and his friends were rescued from the slums by the Baron and swore to serve him in retribution to protect the lives of the other orphans under his care. William appears to collect the souls of those who died at the mansion and Ronald Knox arrives to assist him. Doll arrives at the mansion looking for Joker and meets Ciel and Sebastian. Upon learning of their true identities and that they killed Joker and Kelvin, she attacks them, just to be killed by the butler under his master's orders. Some emissaries from the queen watch the whole scene from afar but decide to not report to her about Ciel's decision to sacrifice the captive children. In the next day, Snake, certain that his friends will not return, abandons the circus as well, leaving to parts unknown. On the way to Kelvin's orphanage, Ciel reveals that he ordered the deaths of the children because of pity as he was certain that they would never have their minds restored, and upon arriving there, Ciel and Sebastian learn that the orphanage was abandoned years before, and the circus members were deceived by the Baron into working for him. Ciel then declares how mankind can be so worthless as they lie and kill for their desires, and Sebastian claims that just how they still strive for a better future despite that is what makes them really interesting.