Episode Title:
Cosmo's Naught/We Love You Sergeant Snorke/Little Pooch Lost/The Blue Ribbon.
Episode Description:
Cosmo's Naught
The boys are sent on a 50-mile hike as part of the physical fitness program. Cosmo bets against the others that he'll win.
We Love You Sergeant Snorkle
When the men find out that Sergeant Snorkle is being transferred from Camp Swampy for being abusive to them, Beetle and the other members of the platoon hire a hypnotist to make Sergeant Snorkle so abusive to his COs that he'll get booted out of the army.
Little Pooch Lost
Beetle and his buddies ruin Gen. Halftrack's dedication speech at the new missile site... when they try to find the Sarge's missing dog Otto.
The Blue Ribbon
Sergeant Snorkle and Beetle try to enter Otto- Sergeant Snorkle's dog- into a dog show. But the judges won't allow Otto to enter without a pedigree.