Episode Title:
Tsubasa Cat, Part One.
Episode Description:
After a flashback to the events during Golden Week (episode 27-30: Tsubasa Family), Koyomi finds Nadeko waiting in front of his school and they talk about how Shinobu looked at her and Suruga with a different gaze than at Koyomi and Oshino. Tsubasa appears and Nadeko leaves abruptly; Tsubasa tells Koyomi that some classmates and teachers think he has become a bad influence to Hitagi in school. Tsubasa gets a headache again and Koyomi suspects it might be induced by stress as it was during Golden Week: Flashbacks show how Tsubasa turned into a white "cat-woman" and attacked people by absorbing their vitality. Oshino revealed the problem is caused by a huge amount of stress built up in Tsubasa over the years, due to her problematic family background. Koyomi acted as bait to attract the cat and Shinobu bit her, draining her energy until she turned back into Tsubasa.