Episode Title:
Appleseed the Movie.
Episode Description:
Deunan Knute is a young female soldier and the last survivor of the Global War. During a battle, she is rescued by Hitomi, a Second Generation Bioroid. Deunan attempts to escape from a hospital and takes Hitomi hostage, but is stopped by Briareos Hecatonchires, her fsormer lover, who is now a cyborg. She learns that the war had ended months earlier and is now in a Utopian city called Olympus. Its population is half-human and half-clone, a genetically-engineered species called Bioroids.Olympus is governed by three factions: Prime Minister Athena Areios; General Edward Uranus III, head of the Olympus Army; and a Council of Elders. Everything in the city is observed by an artificial intelligence named Gaia from a building called Tartarus. While there, Deunan joins the ESWAT organization to serve as the city's guardian and befriends Hitomi...
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