Episode Title:
The Night When the Angels Danced [Part 2]
Episode Description:
Fuyumoto recovers from his heart attack, but the doctors are still puzzled how it happened. Takao deduces the culprit responsible for the boys growing sicker and the angel sightings. Without explaining, she announces to the three boys they are being sent home. Soon after Fuyumoto is caught stealing Adenosine triphosphate, a drug that can cause asthma attacks, vomiting and heart attacks, proving Takao's theory the boys were making themselves sicker. The boys admit they faked the angel by shining a torch through a picture of the angel from Miki's original book. Takao reveals the boys actually felt incredibly guilty about bullying Miki, having had no idea he was dying, so they faked the angel to convince Miki a guardian angel was waiting to take him to heaven. The boys apologize to Miki's mother before being sent home. Miki's health deteriorates rapidly and he asks to see Takao. At first she cannot bring herself to go, but eventually she visits Miki and reads him the angel story one last time, though Miki passes away before the ending. Takao hates herself for not doing more, but Yu reminds her doctors need to know the limits of their abilities in order to truly help their patients, including knowing when they are powerless to do anything. Takao spends the whole night crying but returns to work in the morning as normal. Yu notices Takao kept Miki's favorite hat in her office as a memento.