Episode Title:
Haruka Morishima Chapter / Kaoru Tanamachi Chapter / Sae Nakata Chapter.
Episode Description:
Kaoru Tanamachi Chapter: On the way home from school, Junichi runs into Kaoru selling Christmas cakes, which she explains is another one of her part-time jobs. Kaoru catches Junichi staring at her in her Santa dress, so as punishment she gets him to help her out. After selling all the cakes, both decide to ask the other what to do for their upcoming Christmas date, but ultimately neither one does, out of embarrassment. Kaoru thanks Junichi for his help and tells him to look forward to Christmas, to which he agrees.
Sae Nakata Chapter: A few weeks before Christmas, Junichi is left depressed as it his birthday, but everyone has left him alone. Just then Sae pays him a visit to wish him a happy birthday and give him a present. Junichi invites her in, and is left awestruck by Sae's present, an album full of pictures of her in various cosplay outfits. When Junichi asks why Sae chose such a present, she says Miya told her what Junichi liked so she did it to make him happy. The two are left greatly embarrassed, but Junichi thanks Sae for the present and the two then enjoy a walk outside together.