Episode Title:
Utopia or Deuteranopia?.
Episode Description:
In the episode, Æon has infiltrated Bregna at a time when Trevor Goodchild has accepted power 'temporarily' from the kidnapped chairman Clavius. Soon, Trevor enacts a policy of 'complete openness', installing cameras all across Bregna and giving him ultimate control over the people. But Gildemere, a Breen soldier loyal to Clavius, is plotting against the new Chairman, guessing rightly that Trevor was the mastermind behind the kidnapping. Trevor's reasons for the coup are two-fold; he gains ultimate power in Bregna, and uses Clavius' body to create an isolated place, locked with a strange ornate key, where he can keep Æon for good, keeping her to himself in perfect privacy. Æon, for her own reasons, allies with Gildemere and finds her way 'into' Clavius, confronting Trevor and leading Gildemere to his leader, allowing him to free Clavius from Trevor's captivity: however Clavius is revealed to be completely insane and Gildemere is forced to kill him. He and Æon then fight and she easily overpowers him. Trevor finds them both near the walled frontier and Gildemere condemns Trevor as a traitor. But Æon uses the key to Clavius to unlock her own underwear and provoke the other soldiers into showing duplicate keys, apparently discrediting Gildemere's claims and opening the way for Trevor to cement his power. But Trevor's wish to keep Æon to himself is not granted, since Æon prepared her escape route beforehand and, though she returns the key to Trevor, flees across the frontier to Monica.