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Episode Description:
Haruyuki starts to realize Brain Burst is in fact a VRMMO fighting game before he is defeated by another Burst Linker named Ash Roller. At lunch, Kuroyukihime explains to Haruyuki the rules of Brain Burst where Burst Linkers must duel each other in order to obtain Burst Points which can be expended for acceleration powers. She also explains that his Brain Burst avatar, Silver Crow, was created from his subconscious as a result of his inferiority complex. Despite Kuroyukihime offering him to return to his normal life, Haruyuki declines, wishing instead to help her since she helped him with the delinquents. After they log out, Kuroyukihime explains to some curious students about her and Haruyuki's relationship, claiming she confessed to him but he rejected her, much to the students surprise and Haruyuki's horror. After school, armed with new knowledge by Kuroyukihime, Haruyuki enters the Accelerated World to have a rematch with Ash Roller. Performing a surprise attack, Silver Crow runs to the top of a building, hoping to win by timeout since Ash Roller can't climb buildings due to his motorcycle. Although, Ash Roller, having upgraded his motorcycle to climb walls, manages to reach the top and repeatedly overruns Silver Crow. After suffering from his attacks, Silver Crow manages to figure out Ash Roller's weakness; his motorcycle's rear wheel drive. He then lifts the rear wheel off the ground, immobilizing Ash Roller and finishing him off with a headbutt, winning the duel whilst impressing the other spectating Burst Linkers. As Haruyuki logs out, he is congratulated by Kuroyukihime. Just then Chiyuri confronts Kuroyukihime, demanding to know if she is manipulating Haruyuki.