Episode Title:
Armed Gang (Skill-Out).
Episode Description:
Despite her abilities, Awaki finds herself disadvantaged, since Ritoku is equipped with a stolen military exosuit, which gives him incredible speed and strength. After defeating her, Ritoku then confronts Accelerator, using a chaff grenade to interfere with the transmitter around his neck. However, Accelerator manages to use a pistol to clear the air and shoot him, thanks to Awaki's assistance. Deciding to do some overtime, Accelerator encounters a drunk Misuzu, who is searching for the Dangai University database center for a report, and sends her off in a taxi. She later meets and exchanges phone numbers with Tōma. Accelerator is contacted by GROUP's mysterious head, who reveals that the Skill-Outs have been hired to kill Misuzu, who is the one attempting to take their children out of Academy City before the impending war. When his powers are cut off due to the refusal to help the Skill-Outs, Accelerator decides to head to the university to rescue Misuzu despite spotting Tōma, who also goes there to save Misuzu after she called him to let him know of the situation. Thanks to Accelerator's unseen aid, Tōma is able to escape with Misuzu from the Skill-Outs, only to confront by one of them named Shiage Hamazura, who is desperate to kill Misuzu since the city's higher-ups would exterminate the Skill-Outs if they fail to do so. Tōma berates Shiage's ideals of trampling over other lives and knocks him out. As Tōma is admitted to the hospital, Mizusu admits she came to take Mikoto home, but feels safe knowing there are people like him to protect her. Accelerator later meets with Tsuchimikado, Awaki and Etzali, who reveal the order on Misuzu's life has been canceled. The four of them decide to work together so they may one day take on the higher-ups. As each of the characters spend the night in their own ways, Index and Hyōka visit the injured Tōma.