Episode Title:
Fear Window / The Dog House.
Episode Description:
Fear Window: In a spoof of Rear Window, Dolly has a broken leg and must wear a cone to prevent her from itching and is holed up in her room. To help her pass the time, Dylan gives her his telescope to look around. She witnesses Clarissa supposedly disposing of Hugo's things and believes that she has done away with him. Despite Dylan's doubts, she convinces him to help her by sneaking in next door...
The Dog House: Clarissa is none too pleased with her dalmatian neighbours and sets up Dylan to make it look like he attacked her owner, Hugo. When Hugo complains on the phone to pest control while at the hospital, Delilah takes an unconscious Doctor Dave and speeds across Camden Town using the World Wide Woof to warn her children of pest control. Pearl aids Delilah in getting home and gets Doctor Dave to pretend to be their owner while the rest of the puppies hide in places in their house...