Saban’s Adventures of Oliver Twist Episode 29 Pudding ‘Em in Their Place InfoEpisode Description:
Episode List
Saban’s Adventures of Oliver Twist Episode 29 Pudding 'Em in Their Place Episode Title:
Pudding 'Em in Their Place
Episode Description:
With London suffering so much heavy rain, Dodger's latest scheme has the boys use Annushka's pudding to plug all the leaks in both their home and everyone else's while leading Annushka to believe that she'll have enough money to buy boat passages back to Russia after making and selling more pudding. However, their latest customers' house becomes the target of Big Cheese and the River Rats where they begin stealing many valuables. So, the boys plot to thwart the thieves' plan. Their first attempt fails but the next one momentarily foils the thieves' plan. Meanwhile, Annushka discovers the boys' deception with her pudding and decides to go out and confront them. Ironically, her intervention helps the boys save the day in the end...