Saban’s Adventures of Oliver Twist Episode 16 3 Boys and a Baby InfoEpisode Description:
Episode List
Saban’s Adventures of Oliver Twist Episode 16 3 Boys and a Baby Episode Title:
3 Boys and a Baby
Episode Description:
After celebrating Fagin's umpteenth birthday and realizing how he's getting on in his old age, Oliver, Dodger, and Charlie decide to travel to Mount McMayhem in Scotland to find the legendary Fountain of Youth to help Fagin relive his golden years again. Once there, they meet the immortal guardian of the Fountain who gives them both a few drops from the Fountain and a box containing a list of ingredients for the antidote in case anything goes wrong. However, after sprinkling a few drops on Fagin, Fagin suddenly regresses into a mischievous little infant who proves to be more than the boys had bargained for as they try to catch him across London. While Charlie entertains Fagin, Oliver and Dodger gather the ingredients for the antidote to sprinkle on him, which restores him back to normal while still retaining a few of his childlike habits though.